Sunday, November 22, 2009

Victoria, BC

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Victoria was just absolutely gorgeous! It was gorgeous the second we walked off the boat. We went to Butchart Gardens which was amazing. Makes the temple grounds look pathetic, for sure. It was really cool because as soon as the boat entered Canadian waters, the little yellow boat in the pictures, came up and pulled along the side of our ship....yes, both of us still moving, SLOWLY, but moving....and a Canadian pilot got on the bow of their boat and jumped on ours, to steer our boat into Victoria. It was amazing and definitely had to be a Kodak moment. The copper "statue" in the pics was actually a real lady. It freaked everyone out because she looked SOOOO much like a statue...until she smiled at you and moved ever so slightly. Her gorgeous turquoise blue eyes stood out fiercly too, against all her copper. Definitely memorable.

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