Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Years Day with Grandma Hardcastle

Between Brian and I, Brian is the only one with a living Grandparent...and that's Grandma Hardcastle. On our way home, we stopped in Central Utah, to Gunnison to see her. She recently has been fighting Kidney Cancer, and only has one kidney to start with, and a week and a 1/2 or 2 before Christmas, she fell and broke her wrist and several ribs. She was in the hospital for quite awhile, in fact until the day before our visit. We were all so grateful for the chance to see her and spend some time with her, but it meant the world to Brian. He and his Grandma are very close. What a sweet sweet lady. We love you Grandma Hardcastle.

Happy New Year!

We celebrated nice and safe at home, Brians Parents, in Utah this year. We celebrated with New York though, at we were driving home to AZ all the next day. Aunt Gail, Uncle Ike, Michael, Diana, little Jonathon man, Grandma, Grandpa, Brian, Myself, Tatum and Stock...were all there. Sorry Grandpa, but you even in your PINK tiara, were not anywhere as cute as Jonathan. Better luck next year! It was a small but fabulous celebration, and POOF it was soon after, 2010!
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Sledding for New Years!

What would a Winter trip to Utah be, without a day of sledding? It was super cold, but the kids had a blast. Cold doesn't bother them, one bit! Now Brian and I on the other hand, are another story. :) It was mostly fun, because we knew we had warmth and sunshine waiting at home for us in AZ! Grandpa tackled Stockton in the snow...which was quite funny actually, and then gave Stockton the perfect opportunity to make a snow angel! Or try, anyway...he doesn't weigh enough to even make much of a dent in snow! Geez.
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The Fabulous Williams!

Our Awesome friends Roy and Becky Williams are ones we ALWAYS have to see, when we are up in Utah. They have the most beautiful family ever and we love them tons. The kids always have a ball when we get together too. Their littlest, Kate, fell on Christmas Day and got 6 or 7 stitches in her little forehead. Merry Christmas Mom and Dad, right? Nothing like the ER on Christmas! We love you Roy, Beck, Ellie, Josh, Isabella and Kate! See you soon!
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So Grandma and Grandpa came over early Christmas see what the kids got for Christmas and to exchange gifts with them...and they disappeared. I then located them out terrorizing the streets of Gilbert, with Tatum! Having a blast, of course. Now when they come to "visit", we know why they are REALLY here. :) ha ha ha You've gotta love AZ weather and being able to go outside at 7 o'clock in the morning....and play outside ALL DAY LONG ...and not freeze to death. I believe it was like 50 degrees....and SUNNY! Yay AZ!

Stockton's Favorite Gifts....

Sheeesh....if the pictures don't say it all, I don't know whats up! The ONE thing Stockton wanted this year was a Playstation3! Even though he has a Wii and an Xbox360...he HAD to have a PS3! I need to double check Santa's definition of NAUGHTY and NICE.....hmmmmm! :)

Tater's Favorite Christmas Gifts:

Tatum FINALLY got something to cruise around with her brother on! Another child with a driver's license? Really? Whew, thank goodness not yet! Her favorite gifts this year....her BelleMobile and a New Singing Machine. The one she got when she was 2 yrs seriously worn out! She is always singing....I LOVE IT!

Christmas morning 2009!

Another GREAT Christmas morning! I just love it. Nothing like seeing the excitement and joy in your kids faces, is there?

Awe....our Bestest Buddies!

Brooklyn, Tatum, Aleah, Aubry, Stockton, and Carson

More Christmas with the Blacks...

Aubs and Stocky opening their gifts...and the girls opening their little twin baby girl dolls. They were soooo stinkin' cute. Kissin' and Lovin'! As soon as we finished dinner and presents...the boys disappeared off playing, and we played with the girls and Tatum and Aubry presented a cute little Christmas Play for us. Almost thought we were on Broadway!

6th Annual Blacks/Mounteers Christmas!

One of our favorite fairly new traditions at Christmas time, is doing a Christmas with our awesome friends Brad and Alicia Black. Hard to believe that this year was our 6th year doing that. Everyone looks forward to it. Here are sweet Brooklyn and Aleah.....ALL SMILES! Ahh...I could just eat them! So sweet. Brooklyn just LOVES to give Bella (the dog) smooches and loves....and Bella just takes it. Never growls or gets cranky about it. Wish I were that easy going sometimes! :)