Friday, June 5, 2009

The Infamous Birthday Donut ?????

Hmmm.....aside from the PINK candles (that melted all over the donut making it then, uneatable of course)...Stocky, as everyone knows, is just NOT a sugar man. But, he does have a HUGE love for PLAIN GLAZED DONUTS! So, of course, we got him a whole dozen and we stuck a candle in one for him. He was in heaven! There's just something not quite right about sticking a birthday candle in a piece of fruit, which is the only other thing "sugary" that Stock would eat! What a knucklehead!

The DirtBike's unveiling!

Nice picture of Grandpa Mounteer's bum, eh? On a happier note, here is Stockton with his new LOVE! He has been tearin' up the streets of Gilbert, ever since.

Stockton turns 9!

Stockton turned 9 last Wednesday, the 27th! Can you believe it? I can't! He has been DYING for a dirt bike and saving every single penny possible, to buy himself one. So, both Grandma's and Grandpa's and Brian and I gave him money, so he could still save a LARGE portion of his savings and still able to go buy his dirt bike. For his bday gifts he also got riding gloves and a helmet. Safety first, of course! :)