Sunday, April 26, 2009

Time for Awards....

So in total, Tatum did absolutely FANTASTIC! She took 1st place in Floor, Vault and Beam, and 2nd place on Bars. Here she is being awarded her medal, and 3 Blue 1st Place Ribbons and 1 Red 2nd Place. At the beginning of the Meet her hair was really cute, but by the end of 3straight hours of flipping upside down and sideways ...this is how ya look. Still pretty darn cute, I must say. She was exhausted but we are super proud of her. Way to go TaterBug!

Meet Continued.....

Next, were her Vault and Beam Routine, of which I only got a few pictures. Its hard taking photos of these super active kids of mine, cuz their activites right now keep the on the move the entire time. So, I snap what I can. In judging, it is part of your score that you salute the judge, by facing them and raising either one arm in acknowledgement or both, at the begging and end of each of your events. They also do this in the olympics. Many girls forgot this, but Tater remembered everytime! She also took 1st place on both the Vault and the Beam. Yay!

More of the Meet.....

Tatum did AMAZING on her floor routine, and took 1st place. She did just as well on bars, but its fairly new to her so she took 2nd place and the challenge of getting 1st at the next meet! :)

Our own Shawn Johnson (or Mary Lou Retton for your elderly)

Tater had her first gymnastics meet yesterday afternoon at her gym. She has only been back in gymnastics again for about 2 1/2 months, after about a 4 year break, so we were super excited to watch her. Each Team marched out together and then of course, like any Gymnastics Event (Olympics)...the National Anthem was sung. They had a group of guys sing it Acapella, and it was awesome! Got everybody in the mood!

Major Awards for our little Scout....

Stockton has done a super fabulous job at doing his scouting, yes encouraged by me, but he has done it! That its self is a great acheivement! His belt is almost totally full of all his belt loops. He recieved his first Pin this month, for Weather. Earning a Pin is alot harder than earning a Belt Loop, there are quite a few more requirements. The other belt loops he was awarded this month were Flag Football, Basketball, Collecting, and his Weather belt loop. He also recieved 1 silver arrow point! Way to go little man!

A Jurrasic Park Pack Meeting!

This months theme at our Pack Meeting was Jurrasic Park. So, naturally we held it at the Riparian Preserve. The kids got to dig for dinosaur fossils, which was super fun for them, and then we had the Pack Meeting. Since I am Den Leader, my little wolves had the run-ons/skits and dessert assignment. Here are Stockton and his friend Kyler telling the "Pack" a joke: Kyler:"Hey Stockton, What do you call a dinosaur that won't wake up? Stockton: "I don't know, What?" Kyler: "A Bronto-Snorus". HAHAHAHA! Good ol' Scout Humor. For dessert, the other Den Leader and I each baked 60 cupcakes, of which we hid alumminum foil fossils in 4. If anyone ate a cupcake they came to me and I had prepared a balloon punch bag with a little note attached "You are dino-mite", It was pretty cute.

Field Trip to Dad's office!

On Thursday, these two SKIPPED SCHOOL and got to see just what dad does at WORK ...ALLL DAY LONG! They went to work with him in the morning, and came home with him that nite. Brians employer had really fun activities planned all day, with the kids getting to do something fun with all the different departments within the company. The did some marketing projects, learned and got to hold $1K in $1dollar bills from the finance department, and so on. They had a blast. They had breakfast with the owners of the company first thing in the morning, and then a catered lunch (which dad joined them for) . It was pretty funny that when they both walked in the door, the commented on how TIRED they both were and how hard it was to "work" all day. Of course, they really have no idea just how "tiring" work really is...but the comments were funny. I said, "Now you know how Dad feels after a long day". They both replied "Yep, super tired".

Saturday, April 18, 2009


From picking up the tired girls at the sleepover, we rushed right to Stocktons game and I HAD to post this picture because it was soooo awesome, showing his beautiful poise (if thats a possible thing in sports ). He is a freethrow King, and yes, he made it! Keep it up, little man!

Sleepover continued.......

Oh ya, almost forgot that they also made picture frames, coin purses, learned dances, and then had real hair and make-up makeovers....then professional Glamour Shots taken! They all got jammies on and sleeping bags out and on the large bouncy floor, and watched High School Musical 3 from a BIG projector on the gym wall! In the morning, had donuts and OJ for breakfast. Sounds like they got about 2 hours of sleep. We picked them up at 8am this morning. They were sooooooooo super tired but said it was sooooooooo super worth it! Ahhh, the life of a girl!

More Gym Sleepover...

So, one of the stations I did get to photograph was the Nails and Toes station. It so reeked of fumes in there, but the girls were all lovin' it, so I guess that's all that matters. Maybe the fumes helped that situation a little TOO much! :) The next station was the snack & karaoke station.....Yes, with a Chocolate Fountain. It looks a little scary (the chocolate), but when you have 80plus little ones "dipping" into it...its amazing ANY of the chocolate stayed in the actual pot! Strawberries, pretzels, marshmellows, rice crispy treats and OBVIOUSLY was extremely tasty!

Glamour Nite Sleepover !

The gym where Tater takes gymnastics, held a super fun Glamour Nite Sleepover, for members and their friends. There was limited registration, so it was PRIME to be able to get a spot. I dropped the 4 girls off at about 7p....the got stretched out and had pizza, then had open gym. I wanted to take pictures of some of the different events throughout the nite, but didn't want to stay there ALL NITE I went back at about 10p and stayed for 45min or so. Wow, what a blast! There were a total of about 80 girls, from like 4 yrs old to 13 or 14 yrs old. They were divided into groups by age, and rotated around the gym to the 9 different stations. I was hoping I would get there in time or close enough, to their make-up and hair makeovers and photos by professional photographer...but when I got there, they were still 3 stations away from that, so I stayed and went with them around to 2 rotations and took pictures so I could put them on my blog for you! Tatum and Bailee were performing their version of the Hoedown Throwdown from the new Hannah Montana was super cute, of course, they had a Hula Hoop contest and who knew little Miss Aubry Black had such talented little hips! She was the GRAND winner and got to pick a prize out of a bucket. Way to go Hips! The picture with Tater and her friends she invited are as follows: Bailee, Tater, Aubry and Becca.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Scorpions Team Photo!

Yes, even girls play basketball. :) The other 2 coaches also have a child on the team, so it has been a fun season.

Spring Basketball Photos!

Rather than do the CRAZY league picture night at Peter Piper Pizza, that every mom dreads...I arranged to have a professional photographer come to one of our practices, to take a team photo and individual photos of each child. It was soooooooo nice, and a much more enjoyable event, for sure. Its been fun having Brian co-coach Stocktons team, and getting their picture together too. And, of course...what would ANY photo session be without some CHEEZY grin from the child. Grrr!

More Field Trip.....

Stock has LOVED any form of Tractor, no matter what...since he was a baby, seriously. When he first learned to walk, he would BEG to ride the "tractor" (riding lawnmower) at my parents house, while Brian mowed the lawn. So, no surprise that he was drawn immediatley to one again, at the Field Trip. It was reeaaaallly windy and cold, and so Brian let Stocky wear his shirt (hence the oversized shirt Stockton is wearing). Seems weird to have the word COLD even in our vocabulary in April, but it was. I laughed when I saw the picture of him trying to bring the bucket up at the Water Well. He is sooo dang skinny and doesn't weigh enough to be able to put much muscle behind turning the lever to bring the bucket up. But, he is persistant and did. Small, but mighty...for sure. :)

3rd Grade Field Trip to the MAC Farm...

Brian accompanied Stockton yesterday, on a field trip to the Maricopa Agricultural Center, in ...well, Maricopa. It was fun. ( I know, cuz I went last year with Tater :)

More Fun at Freestone Park....

Here are the 2 TRUE partners in crime, Stockton and Carson.
They are lifelong buddies, and LOVE when we get together! Not sure who this other cute little boy was that was smiling for my camera, but glad he was cooperating anyway. :)