Wednesday, February 18, 2009


After we went to dinner for Valentines, we ran to Walmart to get a few things....came around the corner of one of the aisles and found this sight! It was quite funny actually. Tricycle racing in the Aisle at Walmart! That's definatley a new one!

Valentine Runner-Up!

Since I am the RoomMom in Stockton's class, I was there doing his class party. Each child had to create a Valentine Holder...and out of 25 students, Stock's "Garbage Can eating Valentine Box"....was in the Top 7 that were voted on. You can't see the cute Googly eyes on the lid, but it was very creative! Way to go little man!

A new Look for Sedona!

Snow on the Red Rock was definatley a sight to see in Sedona! The pictures do not do justice how beautiful the Rocks really were. The Big storm was just rolling in, in these pictures so it was very dark and cloudy. But we had an awesome time. We are going back in the summer cuz the kids are DYING to do Slide Rock! It would've been just a tad chilly this time of year. :)

More of Wing Mountain...

Stocky learned to Snow Board when we visited my parents in Colorado on their mission....and LOVED it, so of course he had to do it again. Still loves it , but I think he had more fun cruisin' down the mountain and jumps on the snow boogie board. He is definatley a FABULOUS boy, being good at any sport he tries. My camera batteries died before I got pictures of Tater comin' down the mountain...but she had more fun just hiking, rolling around and EATING the snow! She said she just needed some flavoring and she'd be in Heaven!

Wing Mountain Snow Park!

Playing in the snow.... there was some snow, but the majority of it down poured the morning we left....THANK GOODNESS! Its fun to visit and play in but I am thankful to live in the good ol' LAND OF SUNSHINE!

A Birthday in Sedona!

For Brians birthday, the kids and I decided to BIG time surprise him and take off for the weekend, going to Sedona, and up Oak Creek Canyon to play in the snow in Flagstaff! We had the car all packed and ready and he really had NO clue about our surprise! He walked in the door from work on Friday nite, we gave him an envelope with a map of Sedona in it.....he changed his clothes and we were off....15minutes later! It was a super fun weekend. All four of us had a great time just being together. Well, except for the last day anyway.....I woke up that morning sicker than ever and found out that nite when we got home, that I had pneumonia. Holy Cow, that stuff is brutal! I have not been that sick for a very very long time! I told Brian and Stockton that I had a totally new perspective of their breathing issues, using the SVN breathing machine and all..... and I didn't like it ONE BIT! Its amazing the challenges we all have and the appreciation we SHOULD have for the challenges that we don't! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monsters vs. Aliens

I had to take this picture cuz it was too cute! Although the Movie clip was super short, the kids LOVED it and are totally looking forward to it coming out in August! They laughed and giggled in excitement as they watched.

Super Cards?

Tater supported our Home Team, probably her support had something to do with them having a PINK jersey! At least SOMEONE from our house had to support our boys! Brian was a trader too, since he served a mission in Pittsburgh, he thinks it justifies his vote! Whatever!

Super Steelers?

Stockton and Brenden had a blast waving their Steelers Terrible Towels and cheering at the TV in their "Big Ben" jerseys! :) Brendens Mom is from Pittsburgh and since I'm not a HUGE football fan, (shocker).....I couldn't convince Stock to vote for the Cards! Trader!