Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Memory Flower Pot for Gram!

After one of our Extended Family Dinners (with all the AZ families anyway)....I gave each person a foam flower. I had everyone write down with a sharpie, what their favorite memory of Grandma Mae was. I then taped them to metal Flower stems, and had a flower pot that I had tied a ribbon around and filled with flat glass marbles. Each person was able to put "their" flower into the pot for Grandma, and then we gave the flower pot to Grandma Myers, to honor her Mom! It turned out really cute, and I know it made my Mom really happy.

Thanksgiving Program 2008

Stockton had a Third Grade Thanksgiving Program that he was in last week. They sang some cute songs about being Thankful, and EATING all the yummy food ! Some of the kids had speaking parts, during the songs. Those who REALLY know Stockton well, know that he is extremely shy...and he had a part. He worried about speaking this part BIG time! There was a group of 7 kids that got up during one of the songs about being Thankful, and said what they were thankful for. Stockton was the last in line. These speaking parts were timed just right, so that the rest of the classes weren't singing , while each child spoke their part. Apparently, there was a problem with the microphones and the girl that was just before him, spoke her part twice, which threw the rest of the song off. Stockton was DYING! His music teacher motioned to him to just stay at the microphone , while the remainder of the song was sung. Ive never seen his little hands be in such a tight fist before, because he was sooooooo stressed out being up there...ALL ALONE! Once the song ended, the music teacher stood up and apologized that there was mix-up with microphones, and stockton wasn't able to say his part. She told the entire audience that she KNEW that they would LOVE to hear what he had to say! Very shyly, and super red-faced, he did. "I am thankful for Football" he said, as he then turned away laughing and went and sat with his class. The audience cheered! He did a GREAT job, and we were super proud of him! I really was just sure he was going to either throw up, or just go sit back down. But, he DID IT!

More Third Grade Thanksgiving Program

Stockton was cracking us all up....INCLUDING, himself. He was being super goofy, during this part of the program....his version of a "gobbling turkey"! He sure fits the part, with his boney little chicken legs, that's for sure!

Another Year for Grandpa Myers!

We had a little birthday party for Grandpa last Sunday. It was super fun, as always. We had family dinner, with everyone here...Brad and Claire(and Kids), Tiff and Cannon (and their football team :)) ,Grandma and Grandpa and our Family.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Grandma Mae 1912-2008

Grandma Mae passed away Saturday morning. She just had turned 96 years old in August. She was an amazing grandma not only to me, but to my kids. We were blessed to have her have SEVERAL sleepovers this past year, while she was here in AZ, and my kids grew to really love and respect her. Thank you Gram, for the valiant example you were to each of us, and for being a part of our lives. We love you very much, and will miss you dearly!
Click to play We love you Grandma Mae!
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Double the Blessings!

Brooklyn and Aleah Black were blessed this past Sunday. Their blessings were beautiful, just like the they both are! What a special thing to be a part of. We love them so much! (ok, and the other members of the Black family too!) :)

Tatum absolutely loves these sweet little girls. Here she is with little Aleah. She would be a great BIG sister, if only I could produce one for her! :( Oh well, I guess we will just have to spoil these sweet things, whenever we can get our hands on them!

Hangar Cafe for Breakfast!

We went to breakfast again at the Chandler Airpark Hangar Cafe, when Grandma and Grandpa were here a few days ago. We went a few years ago....but the kids were younger. Being older now, they really loved it! (and the food was awesome too!)

Trains with Grandpa!

Grandpa and Grandma came to visit this past weekend.....and Grandpa brought something to Stockton, from FOREVER ago....seriously like 55yrs . A train, that he use to play with. Stockton loves trains, and has a few others to add now to his collection.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tatum's NEW Ride!

Here's Tater with her new ride! She was really concerned about being able to get around school and things, so the doctor and I set up her being able to use this little scooter thing. At first, she was really upset about it, and said it looked like a Grandma thing...BUT, once she saw how "mobile" it made her, she was ALL for it! She is small enough that she just sits on the seat, instead of kneeling on it...and she takes off like wildfire! Before this thing, she really struggled getting around, and was worried about keeping COMPLETELY off of her foot, like the doctor said she HAD to do. I have a feeling, there will be alot of jealous kids tomorrow at school, that want one of these. :)

Feeling Girly AGAIN!

Tatum was just a little down, and very very bored today...so I took her to have her hair done. They curled it all up in tight little curls, and every person in the salon and stores we were in afterwards, commented on how adorable she was! It really did make a BIG difference...and made her feel great!

Flag Football with Stock


Stocky was batman this year for Halloween. I think the mask itself, was bigger than his ENTIRE head! I do think, however, that in order to "fit the part"....our little BATMAN had better start stackin' on the pounds, and doing some SERIOUS weight lifting, cuz he sure wasn't too scary!

The Cutest CandyCorn Witch EVER!

Halloween just wasn't the same for Tatum this year, but she did get to go trick-or-treating for a little bit, AND IN STYLE (I might add)...being pulled in a wagon! She got ALOT of extra "sympathy candy", so she was plenty happy! Then....she came home and helped hand out candy and see the other cute trick-or-treaters! Usually, she's out herself, and doesn't get to see all the cute little kids, so it was fun!

She's FINALLY got her Driver's License!

So, maybe she's not street legal, but she definitley is "isle" legal!
As if a Broken foot would EVER keep our Tater out of the stores! NOT! After we got her permanent cast ,( for 2 weeks anyway- then they will take it off, xray her foot and make sure we are out of the woods as far as surgery, and then recast it)...she wanted to go wander around WalMart and ride this little cart. I walked beside her, and she did awesome and it brought a smile to her face. Best medicine ever!

Pretty in PINK!

This time around Tatum got to choose from a RAINBOW of colors. Her first broken bone, they ONLY had blue, which was ok, but ITS NOT PINK! :)