Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Memories!

Double the FUN!

I cannot believe I haven't put these sweet little munchkins on here, before now. This is Miss Brooklyn Black and her twin sister Aleah Black! They were born the end of August, and became part of the most Awesome Family EVER! What lucky little girls! And I a VERY proud AUNT! :)

Aubry's Birthday at BOUNCEU!

Until our little "crash", these guys had a blast...boxing in the inflatable boxing ring, with gloves BIGGER and heavier than they were, put together! It was fun!

Our First "Halloween" Cast!

About 4 years ago, Tatum decided to be "daring" on the Monkey Bars..... which earned her 6 weeks in a BLUE cast! She was a beautiful Princess, with a cast to match!

Oooops... Its Broken! De'JAVU........?

So...We went to Aubry's 10th birthday party at BounceU, and our little dare devil decided to be a little crazy and BRAKE HER FOOT! She broke 2 bones on the top of her foot, and the Emergency Room DR put a temporary cast on, until we see the Orthopedic Dr tomorrow. She is a tuff little girl, and was super brave thru it all! We will have to figure out how to "design" her cast, for her cute Candy Corn Witch Halloween Costume! Either way, she will be darling!


At Stocktons Game yesterday, he ROCKED! He caught a few passes, and got their team a 1st was very cool! They won 32-12 ! He loves to play football and is really good at it. He only has to gain about 15 more pounds, before I will let him play "BIG" boy Tackle. Keep eatin' your Wheaties boy!


Tatum and Bailee created a new member of our family. Her name is Stocktina! They did this secretly and came into the kitchen and introduced her to me! Boy, was Dad ever PROUD! :) Guess you've gotta do what you've gotta do, to hang with the GIRLS!


Opening Day we HAD to go see the new High School Musical ! It was AWESOME! The kids had a 1/2 day so I checked them out of school about 30min before school was we could beat the RUSH! Tatum brought her friend, little Miss Bailee along , and the rest of the afternoon they danced and sang songs from the Movie. It was cute! We ALL can't wait for it to come out on DVD!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

From Bobcat to Wolf.......A Cub Scout Thing!

Stockton had to do one final requirement tonight, before being awarded his Wolf Badge. He had to dig (without hands) in the "dirt" for 5 "worms"! Those that know Stockton really well, also know he HATES to get DIRTY, so this was quite comical , actually. He did it though! He was then awarded his Wolf, as well as 1 Gold and 4 Silver Arrow points. This required alot of effort on his part , and he's only been in scouting for 4 months! Way to Go, Buddy!

Oreos up the nose!

There was some residual "dirt" left in his nose after his "worm dig". He washed his face, but I was trying to show in this picture, that he missed a couple spots! But, its too hard to see. It was pretty funny tho!

Our very own Mia Hamm!

Tatum started her 2nd season of Soccer, and her first game was AMAZING, to say the least. She and 2 other boys literally ROCKED the field! Notice the cute blue bow in her hair? She did that for show me she's still 100% girl! :)

Gettin' Ready for Halloween!

Decorating Pumpkins at a Chili-Cook-Off in Tempe! A WHOLE LOT LESS MESSY, for sure!

The new POLAR ICE in Gilbert!

Tatum hitched up our little neighbor friend, to help him learn to skate! Cute BIG "sister"!


Tatum, Brenden and Stockton....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall Break at the Ballpark!

On our way to TGIFridays Front Row for lunch...stopped for a Kodak Moment! Too cute!

Fall Break Festivities!

Lunch at TGIFridays Front Row at Bank One Ballpark with Moms and the Kiddos! And...Tatum enjoying her dessert MUCH more than she did her lunch! Hmmmmm........sugar bug!

More Fall Break ......

After lunch, We went and toured the Mystery Castle on South Mountain, with our friends Melanie and her son Brenden! It was really fun! Notice Tatum next to rack of shoes. The story with that is that a long long time ago there were many people that were married in this room in the castle, and believed that if the Bride would leave just ONE of her shoes....her marriage would last forever! Hence, the many SINGLE shoes! Regardless......Tatum is a shoe woman, and her radar took her directly over to them, when we got to this room!

Look out Steve Young!

Stockton has decided to play Flag Football again this year again, like he had a couple of years ago! He is awesome! His coaches love him because he is little, he is super fast and sqwirly, and loves to play hard!
I'm sure we will have many more pictures to post on here, as games start this Saturday! He even has a touchdown dance that we created, so we are excited to see him present that to us....after his first TOUCHDOWN! Good Luck Little Man!

Putting a 'Girly' look on....for Soccer!

Tatum decided this Fall that she wanted to give Soccer a shot again! She played a few years ago with a different league, but has really enjoyed playing Soccer this year at school....So here we go!
I assume we will get to witness her gymnastics again this year.....ON THE FIELD....IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME....when she's bored! Gotta love her!

Tatums "Approved" Role Model!

Unbelievably , this is the ONLY girl who at the age of 10 yrs old (obviously about 9 years ago :) ) , was the ONLY brave enuff girl to babysit our little Tatertot ! She had an amazing connection with our little peanut, and we love her soooooo much. This picture was taken at her BRIDAL shower a few weeks ago! Crazy! She is getting married tomorrow and is so super happy.